Loose Afro Curl Lace Wig


We have guides about how to wash Afro and curly wigs (and prevent tangling), how to moisturize them (without creating frizz), how to select the best oils for keeping the hair soft and how to care for Afro hair weave. That will be published in the coming weeks.

kr 1,625.00
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What’s more, you can breeze through 5 top tips right here, right now.

1. Always wash your Afro hair wig on a mannequin head (a polystyrene/Styrofoam head is fine). This gives you complete control over the procedure instead of having to guess if you’re washing it right.

2. Use a shampoo for dry/damaged hair (make sure it’s for coloured hair if you’re wig is coloured in any way — if you’re not sure if it is, use one just in case).

3. Never brush the hair when wet, do this only when dry and ideally don’t use a brush but a wide tooth comb (unless you are trying to create a puff look. You can use a large tooth comb when it’s dry but don’t comb it more than twice in a day — excessive combing causes shedding and frizzing of your Afro wig.

4. Never use products with mineral oils on your Afro kinky wig.

A water-based moisturizer that can be sprayed is best. Or better still make up your own by mixing ten parts water and one part glycerine — an ingredient that draws water into your hair to keep the moisture balance.

5. Don’t straighten the hair more than once per month as this can distort the curly texture of the hair — (ideally, don’t straighten it at all) overusing heat styling tools can distort or damage the texture as the hair has usually been processed for texture. It’s human hair and will break with excessive heat. Use a low heat setting with the straighter and don’t use a blow dryer.

There you have it, your full lace and lace front Afro wigs guide. In a nutshell!


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Loose Afro Curl Lace Wig

Loose Afro Curl Lace Wig

We have guides about how to wash Afro and curly wigs (and prevent tangling), how to moisturize them (without creating frizz), how to select the best oils for keeping the hair soft and how to care for Afro hair weave. That will be published in the coming weeks.

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There are looser and tighter curls with aAro hair wigs. They don’t use the terms of type 4a or 4b Afro so you will have to trust the picture you’re looking at as to the type of curl pattern your after. We’ve noticed a lot of sites that state the texture is Jheri curl when in fact it isn’t (Jheri curl relates to a curly permed look, not Afro hair).

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